Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Spot the Sleepy Puppy

Sorry that I haven't posted anything lately... Between getting a job and all the things going on 'round our farm, I haven't had a whole lot of time to dedicate to sewing... The sewing that I have been able to do has been in bits and pieces, making for slow progress on any project.


I found the most adorable sewing book at the library. And I truly mean the most adorable. Storybook Toys by Jill Hamor is certainly a book that every seamstress wants in her collection. Even if it is just for the world's cutest pictures. 
I loved the book so much that I put it on my Christmas/birthday wish-list. Lo-and-behold, it was under the tree. ;) But I haven't had an excuse to make one of the projects in it 'til now. 
A couple in our church just adopted a little boy. They've been waiting for a baby for two years, and now they have a little boy. I've been making quilts for all the babies lately, but I wanted to break my trend and try something different. Spot the puppy was the perfect thing to make for the little one. 

I even had all the supplies in my stash.  
I love having all my fabric on mini bolts. I can quickly scan everything to see if I have what I need before I made a mad dash to the craft store to get what I need. 

I transferred the patterns onto Swedish tracing paper (best gift EVER! I use that stuff all the time!) and cut out the pieces.  
As I was cutting out the fabric, I was really beginning to wonder, 'How on earth are these pieces going to make a dog?!' I trusted the directions and followed them to the letter. I wasn't disappointed; I had a sweet, lounging puppy when all was said and done. Actually, I didn't follow it to the letter exactly. (Big surprise there ;) ) The directions are for a pajama holder for your little one. I wanted a plushie, so I didn't put in the pocket inside the puppy's belly. I just stuffed him all the way and closed him up. 
I truly believe that faces are what make or break a doll or critter. Actually, I'm :really: picky about toy faces. One of my biggest pet-peeves is people who put weird or freaky faces on dolls. I guess of all pet-peeves, that's an okay one to have.  
With that all said, no pressure, right? I mean, how hard can a dog face be? Well, the face pieces weren't part of the pattern. ;) I took a deep breath and started to free-hand cut the felt into what sort of resembled what was in the book. After getting the eyes and nose cut and positioned on the face, it needed a little something extra. A spot around the eye was the perfect addition. 
G'night, Spot!

Until next time!

Disclaimer: I haven't gotten anything for 'reviewing' the book. I just wanted to share it with you :) 

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