Sunday, April 22, 2018

Radio Silence: Big Fish to Fry

Yes, it really has been almost 3 months since I last wrote here, but I have a really good excuse. It's not because I haven't been sewing, I've been chipping away at little projects when I can carve out the space and time. No, what has been eating at my time lately is the simple fact that spring is here along with the ever-increasing to-do list and...
:drum roll:
I had a big outside project that was much more work than anticipated. 
I haz a greenhouse. :D
And it's only taken... a dozen trips to the store? I've lost count. 

You can read the story in more detail on my farm/homestead blog, but here's the cliff notes:
 I found the kit on Craigslist in fall.
Boxes were completely closed, all parts were there (supposedly). 
Greenhouse sits in boxes over winter.
Sister gets engaged.
I volunteered to grow the flowers for the wedding.
I needed a place to get seeds started, so they went to the greenhouse at my work.
Need space in work greenhouse, flowers get evicted.
Mad scramble to get greenhouse put up at home.
Mud. So much mud.
Bad instructions, Google translate, missing parts, lots of help, exhausted me.
Eventually was completely assembled per directions.
Flooring put in.
Tables made.
Threw out my back getting the tables put into place.
Brought flowers home.
Big wind, much rain, panels try to run away.
I say, "No" and tape them into place.
Transplanting, transplanting, transplanting some more.
Different panels try to run away on another blustery day.
I say 'no' with more tape. 
Transplant all day at work, then come home to transplant my flowers at home for days on end.
Wifi reaches garden, much Pandora listening. 

And there you have it. The cliff notes. 
I warned you that this has been quite the process. 
 But I'm super excited about what all I will be able to do with this.

Honestly, this has felt like bringing a new animal home. I am seriously considering dubbing this greenhouse 'pet.' Super creative name, I know. 
Next up will be my next commitment for my sister's wedding: flower girl dresses. So I will have a sewing project to blog about sometime in the near future. :P 

Until next time!

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