Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Giant, Fluffy, Millennial Pink Monster

Back when my sister was trying to figure out what the wedding party was going to be wearing, I nonchalantly said that I could do the flower girl dresses. Not the bridesmaid dresses because of many reasons, but girl's dresses are basically large doll dresses. 
Easy right? Ha! Next time I do a wedding commission, I'm picking the pattern AND the fabric.

I totally could have called this "Flower Girl Dresses" but that seemed like a boring title for this project especially considering how much TULLE went into the whole thing. :P 
I'm not kidding. 
That is 20 yards of tulle for three little flower girl dresses. I'm still trying to figure out how that much material went into their dresses. 
It tried to eat me multiple times, so I just kept hacking at it with the sewing scissors and rotary blade. 
This is FOUR layers of tulle
Eventually, the fabric was all cut out, and it was time to sew. This gave me serious anxiety. 
Again, I'm not kidding. I might have gone cross-eyed sometime in the process because it's practically invisible to work with and it liked to be eaten by the sewing machine leaving large holes in the material whenever this happened. 
These skirts stressed me out so much that I threw out my back sewing them. 
How? Sitting down for a long time has never sat well with me. (see what I did there?) And well, my sewing chair has never been the greatest. If it do any power sewing sessions, my hips and low back get really tight, but I'm able to work through that and eventually get them to relax. This time, no such luck. My back was screaming at me to the point I couldn't stand, walk, or sit in certain chairs or positions for a week. I blame the tension from sewing invisible fabric. 

But the dresses needed to get done in time for the wedding. So I wheeled up a different chair to the sewing machine and kept at it when I could. 
Have I mentioned how much I love putting in invisible zippers? They go in so easily with their special machine foot! 
The miracle in all this? All three got done in time. 
The last stitch went in on Monday night before they were delivered the next day. :phew: 
And the girls adored their dresses and looked super cute in them. Once I get official pictures, I'll get them on here so you can ooh and ahh over them. :P 
All the dresses lined up and ready to go for the big day!
So lesson in this? The last time I did sewing for a wedding, I learned to check that the fabric requirements of the pattern matched the fabric that the client wanted. This time, I've decided that I should just say, "Here's the patterns I have (because I like them) and the materials that I prefer to work with. Take your pick."

Until next time!